About Us

About the Association

In 1987, the concerned parent of a child with aplastic anemia founded the Aplastic Anemia Family Association of Ontario. One of the very first goals of the Association was to advocate for the formation of a national bone marrow donor registry in Canada. Today, the Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of Canada is a federally incorporated and a registered national charity with the ambitious goal of providing a seamless support network for every Canadian patient, family member, friend and concerned healthcare provider dealing with aplastic anemia, myelodysplasia or PNH.

Led by a volunteer board of directors and a distinguished team of medical advisors from across Canada, the Association has a number of provincial chapters. The Association relies heavily on the generosity of individual donors and volunteers, including chapter coordinators, to provide an array of essential programs and services.

Programs & Services

  • Telephone and e-mail peer-to-peer support
  • Educational material
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Local patient support group meetings
  • Annual Patient Education Day
  • Grants for medical research and education
  • Promotion of Canadian Blood Services programs and the Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry

Board of Directors

Rohail Badami


Gwen Barry

Secretary, Nova Scotia

Vivian Do

Treasurer, Ontario

Dr Philip Eappen

Nova Scotia

Jennifer Garvey

Chair, Nova Scotia

Ashley Oakes

British Columbia

Jesse Prager


Carrie A. Chase


Lauriane Dalpe


Medical Advisors

Dr. Y. Dror

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

Dr. Mary Margaret Keating

Bethune Building @ the QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax

Dr. Heather Leitch

St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver

Dr. K. Schultz

BC Children's Hospital, Vancouver

Dr. John Storring

McGill University Health Centre, Montreal

Provincial Support Groups

Member of the MDS Alliance