Download or Order Free Information Booklets

We have the following resource books available.   Please download or complete the order form below.

Links for copies that are available online have been provided.
Please keep in mind that many of these booklets are American and some treatments referenced may not be available in Canada



    Available Booklets - Please note not all publications are available in French
    It's in ME to WIN!
      Please consider making a DONATION for the book
    GAGNER? J'ai ça en MOI!
      S’il vous plaît envisager de faire un DON pour le livre
    AAMAC Educational Series: Aplastic Anemia
    Aplastic Anemia (AA) Factsheet
    AAMAC Educational Series: Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
    Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Factsheet
    AAMAC Educational Series: Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
    Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Factsheet
    Série éducative de l'ACAAM: Anémie aplastique (AA)
    Série éducative de l'ACAAM: Syndromes myélodysplastiques (SMD)
    Série éducative de l'ACAAM: Hémoglobinurie paroxystique nocturne (HPN)
    2024 Patient Tracker
    My Progress Tracker has been developed to help you be an active partner in your health care. It will help you keep track of your important contact information, appointments, test results and any treatments you receive.
    Carnet de route 2024
    Le Carnet de route a été conçu pour vous aider à être un partenaire actif dans vos soins de santé. Il vous aidera à tenir à jour les coordonnées de tous vos contacts importants, et à noter vos rendez-vous, vos résultats d’examens, anisi que tous vos traitements.

    Updated: January 2024 (PW)

    These publications contain links to other sites. 
    AAMAC is not responsible for the accuracy of information found on other sites and makes no representations 
    regarding the content of these links

    Publications Order Form



    Publications Order Form
    Publications available/Documentation disponible *
    Address/Adresse *
    Postal Code/Code postal